Eastern Veil Shockwave, Olly Barrett

Eastern Veil Shockwave

Eastern Veil Shockwave, Olly Barrett

Eastern Veil Shockwave



Acquisition details



I wanted to show the might and majesty of the Eastern Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant...
The source of the supernova, which occurred between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, was a star 20 times more massive than our own Sun...
At the time of the event this phenomena would have appeared brighter than Venus in the sky and been easily visible during the daytime...
The Eastern Veil Nebula has recently been re-evaluated as 2400 light years from Earth...
The Veil Nebula is expanding at a velocity of approximately 1.5 million kilometres per hour... Some shockwave!

The image is a complete re-edit of some Esprit data I took in the summer with some added RGB and extra Ha and Oiii I've taken on an opportunity basis.
Care was needed during processing to preserve the nebulosity in the Ha stream at the top of the Veil, without the additional 600s Ha exposures and RGB subs this would not have been possible…
I decided to frame this image at an unconventional angle for this target to try and give an impression of the expansion taking place...

Clear Skies!



Eastern Veil Shockwave, Olly Barrett