Messier 31 HaRGB, Justus_Falk07

Messier 31 HaRGB

Messier 31 HaRGB, Justus_Falk07

Messier 31 HaRGB



Acquisition details



Hi astrophotographers,
this is my first post here on AstroBin. My name is Justus Falk and I am 15 years old. I make my pics in Northern-Germany. I'm very excited to share this image of Messier 31 with you. It is one of my favorite Pictures. Its a Ha RGB composite with 13 hours integration time at total. But I have to say, that this Picture is not 100% mine. I got the H-Alpha Data from a close friend who also shares this beautiful Hobby. (But he isn't on AstroBin). I hope you like this image!
RGB: 50×300 secondsHa: 210×120 secondsI took Flats, Darks, DarkFlats and Bias framesCamera was cooled to -15°COptolong L-eXtreme for Duo-Narrowband and Astronomik L2 for RGBCaptured with Sharpcap, Ha with ASIAIRStacked in AstroPixelProcessor and edited in Adobe Photoshop



Messier 31 HaRGB, Justus_Falk07