Contains:  Solar system body or event
One Day Past Pink Moon, Rod Kennedy

One Day Past Pink Moon

One Day Past Pink Moon, Rod Kennedy

One Day Past Pink Moon



Acquisition details



Earth's good buddy and now mine.

Last night when I was hunting for G2V Sun-analog stars to calibrate my RGB balance for a troublesome-to-process globular cluster, it dawned on me that near full moon was an obvious G2V source. First time I was happy to see a blazingly bright Moon.

Terry Robison mentioned in a YouTube presentation that the red channel is less affected by atmospheric turbulence — I'm pretty sure it made a difference. Certainly the blue channel is always horrible and would soften any luminance channel image.

This is actually a 1 x 0.001" (not 1 x 1") exposure soaked in a cocktail of signal processing steroids.



One Day Past Pink Moon, Rod Kennedy