Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  Carina Nebula  ·  NGC 3372  ·  eta Car Nebula
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Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
Eta Carina II
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Eta Carina II

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Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
Eta Carina II
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Eta Carina II



Acquisition details



This is my first monochrome image. A beautiful area of our Southern skies with lots of HA. HA 180s x 75, RGB 69s x 25 each - total integration 5hrs. There was a lot to learn and I could not eliminate all the gradients. Not sure the flats worked exactly as they should have and I am sure those with better PI skills could have sorted that out. There was quite a lot of vignetting on the RGB images that needed correcting with the flats and very little on the HA images. I was surprised by this as they are all 36mm filters (although the RGB are mounted) with a relatively small ASI 1600 sensor. Perhaps the F4 of the camera lens I used is to blame. I have an Esprit 100 on the way - looking forward to putting the new gear to good use and having access to a regular autofocus routine. Clear skies, Philip



  • Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
  • Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
  • Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
  • Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst
  • Final
    Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst


Description: I have done a reprocessing of my Eta Carina Nebula. The image was taken when I was fighting differential flexure due to a loose guide scope and I had some mount belt issues so that both the stars and nebula lack some sharpness and the stars are oval in some corners. However, I also had a major problem with my darks which had a distinct vertical line running down the left of the picture - only realised that recently as I thought it was a gradient of sorts. Anyway, I have since solved this issue and I've decided to reprocess the image with flats and bias frames only but not the defective darks. The Ha layer is great for adding detail and nebulosity but to my eye can also make the image appear flatter than without. Perhaps there is a better way to add the Ha as Lum layer to prevent this ...

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Description: Starless Ha Luminous layer used for detail layer

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Description: RGB acquired for stars mainly but the stars were poor due to the mechanical and guiding issues described above. Star colour potential is encouraging though using ArcSine Stretch. Now that I am beginning to understand what I am doing (although I realise this is likely again to change again very soon) I would like to repeat this image when the time of year comes around again as an LRGB image with more time put into it and better stars of which I will include more of perhaps.

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Description: A further test image in an attempt at adding HA to the RGB master, trying to avoid the image looking too flat.
Still , the star quality remains rather poor so I will re-acquire the image as planned.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Eta Carina II, Philip Herbst

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