Contains:  Extremely wide field
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The green Sky, Markus A. R. Langlotz

The green Sky

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The green Sky, Markus A. R. Langlotz

The green Sky



Acquisition details



An image of Sunday, Feb. 19th, 2023 from Emberger Alm Carinthia.
This was the day with the most massive airglow, I have ever recorded. Visually, it was not visible even to a trained eye, but the RAW images were really soaked in green color. Green to an extent, that I first suspected a technical issue of my camera or some wrong settings. After careful review of all the settings, I am quite sure this is airglow. Even the snow did reflect greenish light and was not bluish as usual.
To make the images somehow viewable, I did reduce the green a tad, not to generate the impression of overemphasizing the airglow.

Pentax K3 Mk III
Pentax DA* 11-18/2.8 ED DC AW
ISO 4000

5 images developed in photoshop and stacked in sequator.



The green Sky, Markus A. R. Langlotz