Contains:  Solar system body or event
Lunar Waxing Gibbous Mosaic - March 29th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz

Lunar Waxing Gibbous Mosaic - March 29th, 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Lunar Waxing Gibbous Mosaic - March 29th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz

Lunar Waxing Gibbous Mosaic - March 29th, 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The ETX125 continues to give me great results on the Moon. This time I decided to do *very* short exposures settling on 300 us for this mosaic (and I got another one done at 200 us which I haven't processed yet). My aim was to cut down on seeing with very fast exposure times. I *think* it worked, though the benefit over my 2.5 ms exposure time (with 1x1 binning) mosaic isn't as dramatic as I thought it'd be.

While this image has noticeably better sharpness for the edge craters near the terminus than before, the younger cratering (the bright white craters) is more blown out in my processing this time around than before. I think when I process the 200 us exposures, it'll calm those and bring back some of the dynamic range. I think the lack of dynamic range is what's ultimately what's limiting the quality here. Still looks great to my eyes though, perfectionism is an ever-receding goal.



Lunar Waxing Gibbous Mosaic - March 29th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz