Plate solving fails on uploaded images AstroBin Platform open discussions community forum · Jan Erik Vallestad · ... · 8 · 186 · 1

janvalphotography 4.36
·  1 like
I've experienced issues with plate solving today on new images, this one which is made public doesn't seem to be solved at all:

However when I do it on it seems to work just fine:

Has anyone had similar experiences lately?

Edit: Turns out it solved itself now after several automatic attempts, I must have seen it fail between 5-10 times before I wrote this post though.
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The image you linked appears to be solved. What am I missing?
janvalphotography 4.36
Salvatore Iovene:
The image you linked appears to be solved. What am I missing?

Indeed it is, I probably should have been a bit more patient that's all. It just took an unusual amount of time/attempts. The image in my staging area took about three or four attempts, this one needed a lot more.
scottstirling 0.90
I came here to report the same observation with a couple images yesterday and again today.  The same solve fine locally in Pixinsight.
ibskiing 3.00
My image that I just loaded will also not plate solve.
scottstirling 0.90
Working.  Both images plate solved now.  Thanks!

I am not sure whether the issue is just a queue exceeding a limit at the plate solving endpoint, or what, but if so it cleared.
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janvalphotography 4.36
Still happening on my end, but I'll just let it run. You're probably right in your assessment of the issue.
DarkStar 18.93
·  1 like
Same for me when browsing through the images. Approx 50% to 60% show following:
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RickInTheCold 0.00
Under the Edit dropdown, there are two options - Plate Solving Settings and Advanced Plate Solving Settings. You can adjust settings there that give the plate solver a better chance. Particularly useful (for images that are very difficult to plate solve) is the option under Advanced Plate Solving to upload an unstretched raw frame of the image. For mono, use the calibrated, unstretched luminance image if you have it. Note that it needs to be aligned with the image you are trying to solve to work properly.

Hope this helps.
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