Improving tracking of Dobsonian Telescopes Stickion Reduction Astrophotography with Dobson · Wes Smith · ... · 2 · 34 · 0

Zubenel 0.00
There is now neural net software which will round our stars and sharpen detail HOWEVER there is nothing like getting quality data in the first place. With good seeing and  well collimated optics  arc-minute  guidance lets me down .
ºWith 0.38 arc seconds /per pixel binning 2x2 is mandatory at a focal length of 2524mm .This does help

ºI have had no success with mechanical improvements as this is primarily a visual scope so I won't change the stickion model  from Glass board and Teflon to bearings .Increasing to diameter  of the Az drive roller worsened the tracking. Polish?? Teflon spray ?? don't seem to help .This  is most probably the greatest issue,.
ºA Starizona Nexus 0.75  will improve the outcome bringing  the Focal ration to 3.75 and further reducing the exposure time to increase the number of subs you DON'T bin.
ºI am not aware  of such but as I running with an Argo Navis and servocat, could software using a guid scope into the servocat computer improve tracking similar to an EQ mount? But then again where does one draw the line ???
ºAn EQ  platform violates the Dobsonian criteria . I hate it when images are made with an EQ platform and claimed as Dobsonian!!!

There are a number of techniques that may help so chime in and share your experience .
Edited ...
TareqPhoto 2.94
Why did you use 20" instead of 14" or 16" at most?
Zubenel 0.00
Tareq Abdulla:
Why did you use 20" instead of 14" or 16" at most?

Primarily because that is the scope I owned and did and continue to do visual work with it. Another advantage of a larger aperture and shorter FL is a reduction of exposure time per sub which improves the keepable frame %  significantly. Cheers
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