Integration time AstroBin Platform open discussions community forum · AstroEspi · ... · 8 · 159 · 0

AstroEspi 0.00

I´d like to report the integration time for my images, but it seems (AFAIK) that it is only available as per the capturing sessions information.

Could it be possible to have just a single field to report the total time spent in any image, instead of the complex/complete data required to inform the sessions?. Typically, I take an image over 6-12 nights, with up to seven filters, and the options I have is to introduce the whole details of the acquisition or .... introduce false data to summarize the process. 

I´d rather prefer a field to provide that information, that could be overriden in case I decide to inform the full set of individual captures per filter/date, etc... But at least, my integration time would show the real value.


Carlos (AstroEspi)
NorskeDude 1.81
Hi Carlos,

If you report the total frames per filter along with each time for each, you'll get the total integration time. If you want to include the days imaging, chose the one date per filter.

Astrobin also has the option to duplicate the day. All you need to do is select the time of exposure and then duplicate it. Then you can add the filter and the number of exposures for each day.

Hope this helps.

robert.zibreg 1.20
I'm usually doing csv import for those, a lot easier.
AstroEspi 0.00
Hi Robert

Actually, I´m reluctant to add the acquisition data mainly because I have the information in a technical card, typically an Excel sheet, and don´t want to write it again in Astrobin. However, what you mention is a good idea, that I never thought on. If I change a bit my data, I could export them to Astrobin... Thanks!!

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robert.zibreg 1.20
You can import one line per filter if that's what you are after, here is documentation
AstroEspi 0.00
Thanks again, useful info!
LookBackInTime 2.41

I´d like to report the integration time for my images, but it seems (AFAIK) that it is only available as per the capturing sessions information.

Could it be possible to have just a single field to report the total time spent in any image, instead of the complex/complete data required to inform the sessions?. Typically, I take an image over 6-12 nights, with up to seven filters, and the options I have is to introduce the whole details of the acquisition or .... introduce false data to summarize the process. 

I´d rather prefer a field to provide that information, that could be overriden in case I decide to inform the full set of individual captures per filter/date, etc... But at least, my integration time would show the real value.


Carlos (AstroEspi)
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·  1 like
Eddie Pons:
just choose a filter and enter the total integration time.  Or enter as OSC.  You can always include a note explaining that it was a 7 filter multi-day shoot.

Please don't do that... it's just going to be inaccurate data! Incomplete data is always better than inaccurate data.

If you want to just input the total integration, remember that only the "number" and the "duration" fields are mandatory, so just write your total number and duration per frame.

This only works if all your frames have the same duration. If not, simply make it multiple lines (e.g. one line it's 10x300, another is 5x600, etc)

Having the correct data on AstroBin is important not only for yourself in order to keep a record, but also for others.

Just writing things as a note won't cut it, because that's not searchable (e.g. give me all the M31s between 3 and 4 hours of integration time) and that kinds beats the point of AstroBin.

I know it's a lot of stuff to enter, but when you've spent already 10 hours acquiring an image, and 3 hours processing, what's another 5 minutes to input all the details accurately? :-)
LookBackInTime 2.41
Salvatore Iovene:
Eddie Pons:
just choose a filter and enter the total integration time.  Or enter as OSC.  You can always include a note explaining that it was a 7 filter multi-day shoot.

Please don't do that... it's just going to be inaccurate data! Incomplete data is always better than inaccurate data.

If you want to just input the total integration, remember that only the "number" and the "duration" fields are mandatory, so just write your total number and duration per frame.

This only works if all your frames have the same duration. If not, simply make it multiple lines (e.g. one line it's 10x300, another is 5x600, etc)

Having the correct data on AstroBin is important not only for yourself in order to keep a record, but also for others.

Just writing things as a note won't cut it, because that's not searchable (e.g. give me all the M31s between 3 and 4 hours of integration time) and that kinds beats the point of AstroBin.

I know it's a lot of stuff to enter, but when you've spent already 10 hours acquiring an image, and 3 hours processing, what's another 5 minutes to input all the details accurately? :-)

this makes sense, of course.  I've always advocated for more information.  I just thought it might motivate him to enter something rather than nothing.
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