First Image First Fail Astro-bloopers - likes to laughs · Sabine Leidinger · ... · 2 · 124 · 2

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how dare you show this horrible abomination *ew*
Awesome for the first try
yeah... just another noob fail
awesome fail :D
SabLei 2.11
in 2020 I bought my first mount (Omegon LX3 egg-clock tracker) to track the comet Neowise.  for my first try, I chose the Andromeda Galaxy as the target.
No clue how to properly polar align I set the middle of the cross directly onto the North Star.
totally overloaded it with my 70-300mm Canon lens and the Canon M50 and then I triggered every picture via remote. picture for picture.

anyway, when I stacked it ... it spit out this masterpiece of fail...

but I totally love the artifacts the star at the bottom of the picture made - my little dancing star

I hope I've put some smiles onto all your faces, it was a pleasure
astrograndpa 13.31
that dancing star is so 😎!

if you  cropped the hell out of it, your Andromeda would be those in the the 16th century 😂   -john
·  1 like
Great post Sabine - who needs all that expensive kit when you can shoot an image like this. The dancing star is crazy.
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