Contains:  Landscape
Fire and ice, Matej Mlakar

Fire and ice

Fire and ice, Matej Mlakar

Fire and ice



Acquisition details



Nothing special about it as my plan was not to get an image out of it, but it was more or less to a test my "new" Tamron 85mm 1.8 lens, because I love to shoot panos and if a scene fits for example in a FF 35mm FoV in landscape orientation, I would liek to shoot the sky as a mosaic / panorama with a 85mm lens for greater details.Well, good thing I did this test, because I noticed that the stops down when the camera goes to sleep and it doesn't open back up to for example f2.2 when I press the shutter button halfway to wake the camera. Luckily the firmware upgrade fixed this issue and now the lens works as intended.EXIF:
Sky: 26 images panorama, but cropped on the top.
ISO 1250, 85mm in portrait orientation, 60sec, f2.2 for bottow row, then the camera went to sleeping more and it closed the lens down a lot, but I dont know how much.Landscape: single image taken with a Tamron 35mm 1.4 lens in landscape orientation, ISO 640, f2.2, 60secSky was tracked with Sky Watcher Star Adventurer



Fire and ice, Matej Mlakar