Contains:  Solar system body or event
Storm around AR3256 sunspot, Márcio Spínola

Storm around AR3256 sunspot

Storm around AR3256 sunspot, Márcio Spínola

Storm around AR3256 sunspot



Acquisition details



This image related to recent solar activity around AR 3256 depicts the dramatic intensity of magnetic field that drives a complexity of chromosphere mass dance seen in low angle close to the limb that displays tridimensionality of the phenomena in a 2D image. It is almost possible see or imagine the magnetic field lines in the solar atmosphere at this moment.

This H-alpha image was taken from Rio with a TS Photoline 115mm APO, F/7, EFR filter before diagonal, a Quark Chromosphere and ASI 1600 MM Pro @ 4 celsius. Captured with FireCapture and Processed using AstroSurface.  Sun 2023-Mar-18 11:10 (UTC).



Storm around AR3256 sunspot, Márcio Spínola