M101 & SN2023ixf, Calpis_Soda

M101 & SN2023ixf

M101 & SN2023ixf, Calpis_Soda

M101 & SN2023ixf



Acquisition details



M101 & SN2023ixf taken at 23:50 on May 22, 2023 (UTC+8). 100 frames with 30s exposure time were stacked. SN2023ixf is annotated in the picture and a star with magnitude of 10.35 is marked, which has similar illuminance to the SN2023ixf. 
Weather of summer in Beijing is changeable, so I had only few hours to collect data. Unfortunately something wrong with my ASIAIR, I failed on polar alignment, failed on guiding, failed on dithering, and even failed on analyzing pictures. I had to shorten the exposure time and noise came out. Maybe I should abandon ASIAIR and learn how to use NINA.



M101 & SN2023ixf, Calpis_Soda