Cygnus Wall and Surroundings, AstoTee

Cygnus Wall and Surroundings

Cygnus Wall and Surroundings, AstoTee

Cygnus Wall and Surroundings



Acquisition details



RevisitIng the 1st target I ever tried to photograph, after some minor upgrades to my gear earlier this year.

The Cygnus Wall with all the surrounding wonders.
Even Deadpool is visible ... can you spot him? 😉

The processing is still the most challenging part for me. This is work in progress, but I'm quite happy with the result so far.

🌍 Location / Conditions:
- Zürich City 🇨🇭
- 2023 July / August (2 sessions)
- Bortle Class 7/8

📍 Target:
- North America Nebula (NGC7000)
- Pelican Nebula (IC 5070)
- Cygnus Wall
- "Deadpool Nebula" 😉

🔭 Gear:
- ASI533MC Pro
- Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC
- Skywatcher Star Adventurer 2i
- ASIAir Plus
- UV/IR cut filter

📸 Imaging:
- tracked, guided
- 316x120s (135mm, F/5.6, Gain 101)
- calibration frames
- total integration time: 10h 32m

⚙ Processing:
- Pre: SiriL
- Post: Siril, Adobe Photoshop
- 2x drizzled



Cygnus Wall and Surroundings, AstoTee