M33: Triangulum Galaxy, Ryan Slosser

M33: Triangulum Galaxy

M33: Triangulum Galaxy, Ryan Slosser

M33: Triangulum Galaxy



Acquisition details



This was the first deep sky object 'project' i worked on. I wanted to find something that fit in the frame nicely through my 114mm reflector. I found M33 in Stellarium and start formulating a plan. I planned the whole shoot; how many lights, darks and flats would i need to get what i was looking for. With my plan, i set up my dumpster telescope, more on that later, and set up in the back yard. I got most of the shots i was looking to get but, not all. It look way longer to find and frame M33 than I'm willing to admit... This cut my exposure time to only an hour. After post-processing, this is what i came up with. Not bad for my first ever galaxy photograph through a telescope. What do you think?



M33: Triangulum Galaxy, Ryan Slosser