Contains:  Solar system body or event
When the Moon crashes your party, Shoot the Moon., Greg Mason

When the Moon crashes your party, Shoot the Moon.

When the Moon crashes your party, Shoot the Moon., Greg Mason

When the Moon crashes your party, Shoot the Moon.



Acquisition details



I’ve  been going through old data and organizing it.  I found a lot of images that I never shared.  This is one.  I never published this here.  I don’t know why.  Maybe because it wasn’t some long, drawn out narrowband project.  It was just a simple single exposure shot, taken without much thought while waiting for the moon to set.  

I was sitting there deciding what to do, when my son commented on how beautiful the moon was through the binoculars.  I turned the scope toward it and took a few shots.  This is the best one.  It’s unprocessed, virtually straight out of the camera.

Meade Series 6000 115mm APO EDT
Meade .8X FR/FF
Orion 50mm Guide Scope
ZWO ASI 120 mm-s Guide Camera
Orion Atlas Pro AZ/EQ Mount
Canon 77D (stock)
ISO 200
Single Exposure 1/250th second



When the Moon crashes your party, Shoot the Moon., Greg Mason