Contains:  Northern lights
5-10-24 Aurora from the beach in Ipswich MA, USA #2. focus could have been better, but the colors!!, Mark C. Helton

5-10-24 Aurora from the beach in Ipswich MA, USA #2. focus could have been better, but the colors!!

5-10-24 Aurora from the beach in Ipswich MA, USA #2. focus could have been better, but the colors!!, Mark C. Helton

5-10-24 Aurora from the beach in Ipswich MA, USA #2. focus could have been better, but the colors!!



Acquisition details



The aurora display from Friday night was spectacular!  I made a lot of images both with my Sony A7iii, and my iPhone.  Strange, the iPhone brought out more detail than my Sony A7iii, but the colors from the A7 were just excellent.  I have trouble focusing my Rokinon 14mm F 2.8, and I wasn't sure that I was going to share this image, as I am not happy with the focus, but I just thought the colors and formation were worth please excuse my focus this one time!!  No aurora tonight where I could redeem myself!  Maybe tomorrow night if the clouds go away!!  Clear skies
