Contains:  Solar system body or event
Great Conjuntion 20.12.2020 - For my daughter Helena, Leonid Michail Thomas Janitzky

Great Conjuntion 20.12.2020 - For my daughter Helena

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Great Conjuntion 20.12.2020 - For my daughter Helena, Leonid Michail Thomas Janitzky

Great Conjuntion 20.12.2020 - For my daughter Helena

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The star of Bethelem, for my daughter Helena!

Acquired on a very cloudy evening. Such a luck a whole in the clouds just appeared at the right time, in the right location, giving me about just some minutes to align, focus and capture.

Both planets in the same picture: ~ 47 sec

Saturn: additional 149 sec

Jupiter: additional 111 sec

Captured both planets, separated the Ser-files with PIPP and processed those together with the single captures of Saturn and Jupiter with Autostakkert, respectively.

After processing (Autostakkert for Stacking, Registax for sharpening), I copied the Saturn and Jupiter back on top of the conjunction image, which I pretty much stretched to dark, after I matched the planets positions.

On Dec, 20th both planets were just close enough, so that I could have them both on the sensor in the barlowed (f=2800mm with Baader Hyperion Zoom 2.25x Barlow lens plus spacer) image train. So so lucky! The only other day, when they were visible was on Dec, 18th. But due to the distance between them only at 1000mm focal length.



Great Conjuntion 20.12.2020 - For my daughter Helena, Leonid Michail Thomas Janitzky