Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha - IC 434, Vytas Čuplinskas

Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha - IC 434

Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha - IC 434, Vytas Čuplinskas

Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha - IC 434



Acquisition details



This image represents a start. A start at the beginning – with a monochrome camera, using one filter to capture one of the closest nebulae to us – and the awe of seeing something revealed in a Bortle 9+ sky that takes ones breath away. I realize that this view has been imaged thousands of times, but with my first image of this beautiful patch of the Milky Way, I find it hard to take my eyes off it. To consider the shear size of the view – that the width of the Horsehead from nose to mane is over 2 light years! That's already half the distance from us to the next closest star! It's both humbling and it also fires up the imagination of what other views await my telescope.



Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha - IC 434, Vytas Čuplinskas