Contains:  Solar system body or event
Parallactic Occultation from Italy and California, Tom Bash

Parallactic Occultation from Italy and California

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Parallactic Occultation from Italy and California, Tom Bash

Parallactic Occultation from Italy and California

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This animated GIF was created by fellow Astrobiner Alessandro Ravagnin, who found my image Moon, meet Mars; and realized that combining his image of the occultation taken in Italy, with my image from California, that he can demonstrate the parallactic libration of the Moon.  Both images were taken with 115 mm refractors, and both have about the same resolution, which made Alessandro's work a little easier!

For further information about parallactic libration and how this image was created, see his excellent write up here:

Here is a link to Alessandro's Astrobin page:


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