These are the users that follow Augusto mutually.
Maxou034 Maxou034 232115206
leandrof58 Leandro Fornaziero 122205194
silkpericles Alberto Pisabarro 3731026644
Andre27 Andre 2294230
Andolfato Rodrigo Andolfato 275477452
Newton Newton Cesar Florencio 68126146
eoliveira Eduardo Oliveira 84144112
starfall Delberson 202371295
Spock Spock 7883277
grsotnas Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas) 2801105742
StarGale StarGale 56176257
j_n_dubya Josh Woodward 201159241
gianluc1 Gianluca Belgrado 101280614462
baddaddie Oliver 137192415
xandmaxis Alexandre Alves Batista 21414
jeff@sa Jeff Lusher 617583
ellu Elina Niemi 46276279
silios Marios Tsalkidis 4190257
ZaacLeite Izaac da Silva Leite 179161225
patrickgilliland Paddy Gilliland 19014281196
arthurinacio Arthur Inácio 8348133
tomalic Tomeu 274796
Audriusb Audrius 508586
samuelmuller Samuel Müller 282138152
Markus84 Markus 47144284
blueangel Jim Matzger 26213793860
edinaldojunior Edinaldo Rodrigues de Oliveira Junior 316451
victorspqr Victor Lima Marques 122234
keesscherer Kees Scherer 1595824003
tonndr Ewertonn Dourado 1674
BillMack Bill 81242335
micz1de Michael Kohl 190136107
denisdvr Denis Valentim Rodrigues 2991169
Cespe Stefano Mantoan 60208438
Rodrigo777 Rodrigo Sousa 2342167
GAA90 Gabriel Amorim 141643