These are the users that follow Marco Gobatto mutually.
rigel123 rigel123 1106283157
Tommy4829 Tommaso Martino 9215286
Ibbo Steve Ibbotson 96510646
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
nonsens2 nonsens2 773258610
ZaacLeite Izaac da Silva Leite 179164226
bbonic bbonic 44109181
CoFF CoFF 92555666
pppaul0 Paulo Medeiros 23129205
DanieleViarani Daniele Viarani 8575205
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715033520
tavaresjr tavaresjr 52263790
Georges Georges 53412703003
uendy399 Yu-Peng Chan 3997265
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21515361721
Lucas_M Lucas Magalhães 429367
idsteph Ian Stephenson 1966193
Bomb73 Davide Bombonato 15175153
Dan79 Daniel Nussbaumer 1581187
kyuseob Kyu Seob KIM 1123629
hughsie hughsie 1595234
ODRedwine David Redwine 162306472
sil76 silvano depetris 791429
olga_ismael Olga W. Ismael 43383277
MJF_Memorial_Observatory Louis Fico 25468136
gabrieldecunto Gabriel Giannini de Cunto 73100154
Leonardo_Rataieski Leonardo_Rataieski 7613