These are the users that follow Stefan Nebl mutually.
danwatt Dan Watt 5520747
RegisLeBihan Régis Le Bihan 231382689
FranckIM06 FranckIM06 1078558440
BobGillette Robert Gillette 76269239
Kirchen Kirchen Claude 291456691
erikgu Erik Guneriussen 298396404
martindufour Martin Dufour 128244329
koten90 Alessio Pariani 51209760
LexPics Alexander Voigt 229293160
Nikolas64 Nick Axaris 853971068
nvcchr1 Niels V. Christensen 34711613639
SergioAlessandrelli Sergio Alessandrelli 2567232277
grsotnas Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas) 2801108742
luizrsilveira Luiz Ricardo Silveira 32110234
iosifbodnariu Iosif Bodnariu 37331313
whale Nicholas Jones 70148105
gianluc1 Gianluca Belgrado 101280614462
m-nouroozi Mohammad Nouroozi 107712137
jbarabas Janos Barabas 465153105
HBNorm Norman Tajudin 1554961576
Astro_MD Jim Brockett 59103300
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
Turix Turix 30418225
Andys_Astropix Andy 01 11880758
morrienz morrienz 1332711047
Matteo_Zardo Matteo Zardo 1382534
Die_Launische_Diva Die Launische Diva 54393450
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715033520 José Joaquín Pérez 88356235
Ricardo.Leite ricardo leite 1492891130
AstroCat Aleix Roig 126475445
TWF TWFowler 14213262
Georges Georges 53312683000
nkondrashov Nikolay Kondrashov 2130127
Lowind Massimo Ermanni 62484342
astroteam Günther Eder 5478153236
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21515331718
Chironi Will Czaja 514141130
fschiel Falk Schiel 212387263
GerminianiMaicon Maicon Germiniani 1949642484
cajusor cajusor 142282
rveregin Rick Veregin 1674131024
starmaniac Brice Blanc 69662638
elmirage001 Paul H 73350274
ramdom Ram Samudrala 33225952
Big_Dipper Big_Dipper 7313441401
Acehighaj Aaron Hakala 41409411
steve14 Steve de Lisle 2008570
Axys32 Trey Henderson 367
eigenVector Jonathan W MacCollum 126342466
MarkSansom Mark Sansom 254267477
DMach Darren (DMach) 135282112
jcoldrey Jeff Coldrey 137964252
MikeF29 Michael Feigenbaum 305819747
Claudio_Ulloa Claudio Ulloa Saavedra 63478390
G400 G400 587587598
plane Rich Sornborger 123222294
Itto-Ogami Itto Ogami 5611113311
Christophorus Christoph Lichtblau 1631512617
Andre Andre Brossel 3711595