NGC7000 and IC5070, camxwest

NGC7000 and IC5070

NGC7000 and IC5070, camxwest

NGC7000 and IC5070



Acquisition details



Finally the skies are starting to get dark enough in Stockholm again. I never thought I would be glad to see the tail end of summer. Here is the first image I have captured in 4 months. The first 6 months with my scope was a race to try and image everything in the sky (30 min of this 40 min of that etc). Now I’m hoping to slow down, capture less objects and experiment more.

I’m also trying to figure out PixInsight, so I really welcome any criticism and suggestions to help me improve my processing.

Many thanks!

For reference here is the workflow used:
Rotate & crop edges
Color balance - ChannelExtraction
Color balance - Linear fit red & green with blue (lowest median value) as a reference
Color balance - ChannelCombination
Deconvolution - Extract luminance channel
Deconvolution - DynamicPSF to create point spread
Deconvolution - Create StarMask (for Deconvolution)
Deconvolution - Run deconvolution
Deconvolution - LRGBComnination to add luminance back to RGB image
Background - DynamicBackgroundExtraction samples around the edges and corners only
Stretch - ScreenTransferFunction
Stretch - Increase shadows clipping slightly
Stretch - Reduce Target background value slightly
Stretch - Apply ScreenTransferFunction to HistogramTransformation
Saturation Nebula - Extract luminance channel (mask)
Saturation Nebula - StarNet to remove stars (mask)
Saturation Nebula - HistogramTransformation to clip/adjust the mask (mask)
Saturation Nebula - Apply star mask & run CurvesTransformation to adjust saturation
Saturation Stars - Extract luminance channel (star mask)
Saturation Stars - StarNet to create star mask (star mask)
Saturation Stars - StarMask to create star mask to catch larger stars (star mask)
Saturation Stars - PixelMath to combine both masks & adjust with HistogramTransformation
Saturation Stars - Apply star mask & run CurvesTransformation to adjust star saturation
Photoshop - Slight adjustment in brightness & contrast



NGC7000 and IC5070, camxwest