First Astro Photo (Orion Nebula with faint Horsehead and Flame Nebula), Dylan Bailey

First Astro Photo (Orion Nebula with faint Horsehead and Flame Nebula)

First Astro Photo (Orion Nebula with faint Horsehead and Flame Nebula), Dylan Bailey

First Astro Photo (Orion Nebula with faint Horsehead and Flame Nebula)



Acquisition details



Hello everyone! This is my first attempt at astrophotography using a dslr and star tracker. Also first time stacking photos and using photo processing software. I'd only ever held my phone up to the telescope eyepiece before now.  A lot of lessons learned on this one. The camera battery was dying and it was late so I didn't do any calibration frames this time. Instead, I used the OSC_Preprocessing_WithoutDFB script in Siril. I can't be grateful enough information is so available on the internet -this came out better than I expected. It's unbelievable how much difference using a tracker and stacking long exposures makes.



First Astro Photo (Orion Nebula with faint Horsehead and Flame Nebula), Dylan Bailey