A Valentines Rosette, Luperious

A Valentines Rosette

A Valentines Rosette, Luperious

A Valentines Rosette



Acquisition details



I thought this would be a fun target for Valentines day, and the weather (sort of) cooperated enough to get it done in time! About 12 hours of 60s subs over the past couple weeks, shot from my Bortle 4 backyard. Pretty happy with how it turned out! I was trying to go for a nice rich red towards the edges given the date, hopefully my R/G colorblindnes hasn't gotten in the way I was also hoping to get a bit more time on it to bring out the wispier outer edges, but I was already feeling pleased enough with it to call it done. I've also gotten an autofocuser, and put some time into cleaning up the cable mess on my rig which has me feeling pretty good about it now! So nice for dealing with temperature swings overnight



A Valentines Rosette, Luperious