Just Started NINA N.I.N.A. Users · Jim Thommes · ... · 9 · 320 · 0

jthommes 0.00
I just started with N.I.N.A myself. I find the App very flexible compared to what I am used to. The advanced sequencer seems to really be useful ; the App is very feature rich with the plugins.

Of course the first few times I used it were a bit shaky (to say the least) but just a few more sessions into it and I believe I am getting the hang of it.

Though I have to say that I really struggle to use NINA Discord. I can see that it could be a good source for support and discussion with the smart and knowledgeable people behind it. I would like to get email notifications on the support forum topics /posts but I have not found a way to do this. Don't even know if it is possible.

Linwood 5.76
I'm not aware of a way to do it either, though the more threaded appearance of the #support-forum is clearly better as it isolates your conversation.  If someone specifically refers to you in a reply and you are not logged on, you get an email (at least I do, I am not sure if I turned that on somewhere). 

The reality is though, that unlike traditional forums, if you do not get an answer in a few hours or at least half a day (to allow for time zones) you probably won't.  So checking back is not that much of an issue. 

I spend a lot of time on discord. I confess, I still do not really like it.  but it is where the developers hang out (I am not one BTW). .

ajerig 2.41
I have a lot of experience using NINA and happy to try and answer questions.  I have used a ton of automation including push notifications to my phone within the sequencer and also automated flats via the flat wizard.  There are a few plugins that are super useful to improve guiding, etc.  If I don't know, I'll tell you so.

My original GT81 setup runs through the night without any attention.  I'm still tuning my FLT132 setup, but it is close to being trustworthy for fully unattended nights as well.
dk101 0.00
I also use NINA quite a bit. For pretty pictures now and then but mainly for exoplanet transits and variable stars (the new addin for this is amazing). I also use it making flats etc. I use the advanced sequencer and absolutely love it although i would prefer some sort of a scripting language and a text editor (but can't be bothered to do it all in python). Just like @Tony Jerig  above, my setup runs automagically all night and i never have any problems with NINA. Being able to run multiple exoplanet transit runs hands-off is amazing and I love getting updates on my phone as stuff happens or if there is a problem (through Pushover).

While i've been looking at Discord for a while I am not a fan. It is not the right tool for providing support. Finding anything is tricky at best, finding historical 'similar' questions is near impossible, threading is limited, and the whole thing i just Wrong (IMNHO) but it is what it is. I am sure someone likes it or it wouldn't be there. Granted, Discord is great for quick answers but if the right people don't happen to be online at the same time as when you ask, your question is highly unlikely to get answered, which is far too random for me.

If you have any question about NINA feel free to ask. If i know the answer, i'll let you know. If not, there is always Discord
Stargazer66207 1.81
I am brand new to NINA and to this forum as well.  I was introduced to NINA by a friend who has been using it for a few years. He uses it with an APO refractor.  My setup is different...I'm using a C-11 SCT.
After a few issues regarding getting and installing the proper ASCOM platform and drivers, I've gotten NINA to work successfully, and at first blush, I'm really impressed with how it automates everything from one platform.
However, I do have one problem that is keeping me from running a sequence that will automate everything:  I'm having a problem getting the Auto Focus to work. So far, all my Auto Focus runs have failed.
Here is my setup:   Celestron C-11 (circa 1990's ....Not EDGE).  Starizona Reducer/Corrector f/6.3, Starizona MicroTouch Focuser, ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro camera.
I suspect that my A/F failures are due to improper step size and/or improper Backlash Compensation.

If anybody is using NINA Auto Focus with a similar set up,  I would sure appreciate some suggestions as to what A/F settings to use.
Many thanks!!

Ron Abbott
Linwood 5.76
·  1 like
Getting the right setup requires some investigation.

I would start by getting decent focus manually: start a 1 second loop in a rich starfield (or whatever it takes to see stars).  Now move (electroncially) the focus in or out a bit at a time to try to get the stars decently focused.  Perfection not required.  Note the position, let's pretend 1000  Make sure star annotation is on so it recognizes it as a star and gives an HFR.  Let's say it is 5.

Now move the focuser in one direction until you at least double the HFR, but not so far that you lose it (i.e. that it stops recognizing it as a star).  Note that position, let's say 1500.  The difference is 500.  This is about how far you want the initial move to be, so you want the number of steps times the step size to be 500.  So maybe choose 5 and 100 (or 4 and 125). 

This might not be perfect, but the idea is to get values that will successfully let it run and get you a curve you can share.  You want the curve to be symmetric. If one side has a flat area that's backlash, be sure to put in the backlash amount as about 150% of the distance the flat area covers.   I think you want it in "In" but I never remember for different OTA's, and that one you want the mirror's last movement to be toward the objective.


You can adjust the curve by smaller steps if you want more points.  If you find that it works right to left and then returns to the right, add an additional initial step (you want it to work from one side to the other, not to go back). 

For an SCT if you are using Hocus Focus, go to the star detection options and set Pixel Scale to long focal length and Focus Range to Wide Range.

Discord has a separate channel for AF Support, you can drag the .json file from the focus in there and ask for advice if it's not nicely shaped (a good symmetric "U" or "V").

Oh... use hyperbolic, do not use trends nor any of the trend combinations, and use STar HFR not contrast.
Djennings 4.75
Hey Ya'll,

I have found there are a couple of folks that I would recommend looking at for information on various topics with N.I.N.A.

One is Patriot Astro and Cuiv the Lazy Geek. 

Both have their own YouTube channels and have excellent content on getting started, using, adjusting and so on.

Highly recommend both.
Djennings 4.75
·  1 like
I am brand new to NINA and to this forum as well.  I was introduced to NINA by a friend who has been using it for a few years. He uses it with an APO refractor.  My setup is different...I'm using a C-11 SCT.
After a few issues regarding getting and installing the proper ASCOM platform and drivers, I've gotten NINA to work successfully, and at first blush, I'm really impressed with how it automates everything from one platform.
However, I do have one problem that is keeping me from running a sequence that will automate everything:  I'm having a problem getting the Auto Focus to work. So far, all my Auto Focus runs have failed.
Here is my setup:   Celestron C-11 (circa 1990's ....Not EDGE).  Starizona Reducer/Corrector f/6.3, Starizona MicroTouch Focuser, ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro camera.
I suspect that my A/F failures are due to improper step size and/or improper Backlash Compensation.

If anybody is using NINA Auto Focus with a similar set up,  I would sure appreciate some suggestions as to what A/F settings to use.
Many thanks!!

Ron Abbott

Hey Stargazer, 

Patriot Astro has an entire You Tube video on focus routine setup and trouble shooting.  If you have not already got this taken care of, I would suggest looking through his YouTube channels videos.
NorskeDude 1.81
Amy Astro helped me establish my step size with her YouTube video.
Vroobel 7.17
·  1 like

I'm also starting my adventure with the NINA. I used an ASIair Plus with an ASI2600MC-Pro for more than a half year and I have to say that I love it for its simplicity. But recently I bought a ASI2600MM Pro and 7 filters with a filter wheel and I realised that the ASIair is unable to work with filter offset. To be honest, it was the only reason of looking towards the NINA. Additionally, I had to spend extra money for a one-board PC. 

Because of the British weather I cannot test it outside yet, but it seems working well. After one week of intensive learning I'm hugely impressed by the flexibility of the NINA and it's Advanced Sequencer. 

​​​​​​I like its plugins. I configured a Pushover communication, but I see significant lags, critical messages shouldn't arrive after several minutes. Apart from that it works well. Am I doing something wrong? 

Best wishes for everyone who started playing with the NINA. 

Edited ...
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