previous Lurker - Just Ordered Mine! ZWO ASI1600MM/QHY163M · mlewis · ... · 3 · 165 · 0

mlewis 0.00
Ordered the ASI1600MM-Cool with the larger ZWO wheel and the 8 slot carousel over the weekend. Then pulled the trigger on Astrodon 31mm Seties E LRGB, a 5nm Ha, and a 3nm OIII filter (SII to come later after fun money finances recover somewhat 8) . Wheel is backordered till about middle of November, so that is likely when things will ship, best case.  Very excited to hopefully soon be posting images here as well!

Thanks to everyone who has posted so much excellent imagery and detailed info about this camera here and on CN - made the decision to finally buy much less stressful.

Best Regards,

jrista 8.93
Congrats, ML! It's a great little camera, pretty easy to use! Best of luck and have fun when it arrives.

One quick note. The design of the camera is such that it is easier than it should be to unscrew the cap over the sensor compartment. Especially if the camera is tightly screwed directly to a filter wheel. A couple individuals have ended up crushing their desiccant tablets due to mishaps with the sensor compartment cover. When you work with the camera, always make sure you are aware of what you are unscrewing. Also, keep the camera "upright" such that all of the connections and the fans face downward to the ground. This will ensure that the desiccant tablets remain upright if you do accidentally start unscrewing the sensor compartment cover.

If you do accidentally start to unscrew it, my recommendation is avoid curiosity...tighten it quickly. It takes time for the sensor compartment to fully dry out, and if you expose it to air, particularly more humid air, you might need to wait a day or two before it fully dries out again before you use the cooler.

Outside of that one note, I think you'll find the rest of the operation a breeze. ;) SharpCap is an easy way to start.
mlewis 0.00

Thanks for the input both here and via our CN interactions. You are an invaluable resource for new users.

I DID see the posts regarding the mishaps involving accidentally unscrewing the main compartment and breaking the desiccant pellets. Too bad they didn't find a way to address that one issue. But is sounds like with prior knowledge of the potential problem and care when/if you unscrew the filter wheel, all should be OK. I am also hoping that by getting the bigger wheel that can hold all the filters that perhaps I might not have too many reasons to have to try to get into the wheel, although I guess cleaning the filters is maybe one reason.

thfrey 0.00
Hahaha, ok i am not the only on where this happens...
While my last session i want to change the filters in the filter wheel, while the cam was already on -20°....
I was a little suprised when the 4 tabletts dropped on the ground
Good luck for me the 8300 was also ready, so i don't mounted all the equippment for nothing.
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