Conversations with your family about astrophotography? Other · Andy Wray · ... · 27 · 1152 · 0

stevendevet 6.77
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Scott Badger:
My wife sometimes grumbles when I don't crawl into bed until the wee hours, but I just say it's better than coming home from a bar......


I guess that depends on the choice of beverage while shooting
Vincent_Bchm 1.91
Random people: "The Moon is beautiful tonight"
Me thinking to myself: "As if the Moon has already been ugly to watch"

Astrologer looking at the almost-full Moon: "*excitment shouting* We're receiving the energy of the Full Moon!!!"
Me sceptical, obviously: "But, the Full Moon was two days ago..."
Astrologer: "You are so narrow-minded"

Random friend(s), sarcastically asking me: "Are you still shooting at small dots in the sky?"
Same/other random friend(s) after hearing I got some awards: "What you're doing is trully beautifull"
Edited ...
CN_Astrophotography 4.01
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While driving across Wisconsin last year with my buddy, we had a brief discussion on the bortle scale and it led to dubbing a bright hot sunny day as "bortle 10".  We still say things like "Yup, it's definately bortle 10 out today" or the like.  I know, sort of an inside joke, but I find it funny.

Another moment was my friend had his phone out using one of the Stellarium style apps, and he was looking around every direction to find all the planets (and Pluto).  After a minute he names off where they all are and says "Aren't I missing one?  That's only eight."  I looked at him as he was currently "looking" through the ground and said "we're on it.  You're looking for Earth."  The way he looked up from his phone with that realization stare and said "Yup, I'm dumb"  was priceless.  Still give him crap for it haha.

Another friend of mine showed some of my photos to one of her friends, and that friend apperantly didn't believe that I had taken those photos, and apperantly even said that she's pretty sure one of the photos was from Hubble (take that as a compliment?  I am no where near that level of skill haha).  This led to my setup being called the Hubble Hacker.
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