Science Fiction Books Anything goes · Sigga · ... · 89 · 3341 · 0

ScottBadger 7.61
Not science fiction, or, sadly, fiction, but I'm in the middle of Paul Bogard's, End of Night. An extended essay on the logarithmic proliferation of artificial light; and not just the loss of starry skies to it , but it's impact on health, both physical and mental, the commercial 'light' race to to be noticed, and a challenge to the notion that light prevents crime with studies that show no correlation, or even the opposite; that overly lit public areas assist the criminal as  much, or maybe even more so, than the victim.

On that note, happy post summer solstice everyone! Finally a dark tunnel at the end of this unbearable light!.....

Are there any science films based on books?

Plenty in terms of science fiction.  Though IMO all better reads than films.  Even the Martian was a much better read than the movie:

Starship Troopers (great book, btw)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Ready Player One
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
The Expanse Series was made into a TV series.  At least for the first two seasons, the TV series follows the books well.
War of the Worlds
Blade Runner

Looking for science based literature translated to the big screen is tougher for me.  I'd look in the realm of documentaries.  Even then you're bound to find the film adaptation to be loosely based on facts in a book.  One that comes to mind is "The Right Stuff" by Tom Wolfe.  Made into a movie in the early '80s.  Both were successful.  The film's screenplay took a great deal of dramatic license with the book.  I am assuming the book focused on accounts of actual events.

I would venture to say there are very few non-fiction science books having been translated factually well into film.  At least I can't come up with one.  Maybe someone can?
morefield 11.07
I just finish:

A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinter - 1993 Hugo Award


The Three Body Problem - Cixin Liu - Excellent thus far, is trilogy


I recently finished the third book of the Three Body Problem series.  I enjoyed them all a lot.  They are a "hard" science fiction that is mostly about concepts that I found fascinating (and a little scary!).

Jasonmmccarty 0.00
The best books I've read are:
Stranger in a Strange Land - Heinlein
Foundation series - Asimov
Robot series - Asimov
Recursion - Blake Crouch
Revelation Space - Alastair Reynold's
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HeavyT 0.90
Cixin Liu is a definite favourite of mine.

Try to find anything written by Greg Egan. Mindblowing concepts and very entertaining / engaging. Quarantine, Schild's Ladder, Diaspora... all wonderful.
Kanadalainen 6.10
What a great thread.

One of my all time favourite Sci Fi collection is The Culture series by Iain M. Banks. "Consider Phlebas", "Excession" and "Look to Windward" are amazing.
Jasonmmccarty 0.00
Cixin Liu I read and didn't like, too boring. Generally, I like more interactive books (I'm hyperactive), that's why I don't even have the patience to do homework, that's why I turn to, here's my latest written work on forensic science, through this service I have much more time to research stars and other planets. I love staying up nights and looking at them.
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clovr80 0.00
Currently reading ‘’The Martian: stranded on Mars, one astraunaut fights to survive’’, that inspired the Ridley Scott movie. Love it so far !
Previously I had read all the ‘’Jack Caffery’’ series of books from Mo Hayder (police, murders...). I started las summer in August and got caught in it...

The Martian: stranded on Mars, one astraunaut fights to survive is my most favorite
jagakajaja 0.00
I've been reading (listening to, actually) the Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor. 
I'm on book 4 and really enjoying the series. Hope he can knock out book 5 soon 
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I finished "The Martian" by Andy Weir. . I enjoy science fiction books that are based in reality, and "The Martian" does a great job of presenting a believable scenario. The characters are well-developed and the plot is thrilling. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys science fiction.
I also discover for myself  research works and articles on psychology and sociology to both learn about psychological and sociological topics, and to develop my own ideas about these fields of study.
Btw, the "Nix" by Nathan Hill. It's not what I expected, but it's an interesting book. Still, I think The Nix is ​​a much better novel, so good quality and entertaining that it's a must read.
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ScottBadger 7.61
Struggling to get through Stephensen's Termination Shock. 360 pages into the 700 and though a couple interesting things have happened, a plot has yet to emerge.... Stephensen's a good writer, but not that good that his prose alone is good enough. The jacket author photo probably should have been enough to warn me off..... Though, it may be worth it just to learn about the bizarre Line of Actual Control between China and India.

jerryyyyy 9.03
Humm, just noticed this thread... I read a lot of Sci Fi on my Kindle App. 

Here are some:

Brandon Morris:
Reading the Solar System Series;
Read The Long Journey; Colony on Mars; Mars Trilogy; Proxima Files; Proxima Trilogy; Ice Moon  [Supposedly Hard Sci Fri; has a formula; but not bad IMHO]

Greg Bear: Moving Mars [not bad]

Ray Bradbery; Martial Chronicles

Kate Rauner: Glory on Mars

Boy... I cannot list them allllll above are the most recent... none as good as the Martian or the Red, Blue Green Trilogy...

I really read a bad one recently and could not finish it....
mxpwr 4.37
I can recommend "Expeditionary force" and "Undying mercenaries". Both are space operas with different level of world building over many books. The expeditionary force has a lot of tech and physics stuff doing a deep dive into "real" space fight, but also extremely hilarious dialogues.
Jure 1.43
Very interesting thread, must try some of the books mentioned here! 

I mostly read the classics, Niven, Asimov, Lem, Clarke, Bradbury, Gibson, Le Guin... somehow the modern SciFi does not agree with me. Two exceptions are the Expanse and Old man's war series. I read quite a few "modern SciFi" books and even if I read them to the end I have no desire to read more of the same. Currently I am struggling with the second book in the Spinward fringe series and I seriously doubt I will finish it.

Dunno... maybe I'm just getting old, but if I get bored by the page 100, if I notice poor vocabulary, spelling errors and such, well, what's the point? 
But I'll keep on grabbing new books, I'm sure there are some great reads out there! 
jagakajaja 0.00
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Finished up "Children of Time" and "Children of Ruin" by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Really cool premise and great storytelling... totally worth a read.

The third in the series should be out soon!
rveregin 6.65
David Goldstein:
Favorite SciFi - I first read it in 1968 - Dune - Frank Herbert - a new movie coming soon!

Stranger in a Strange Land - Heinlein
Foundation series - Asimov
Robot series - Asimov
The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
As She Climbed Across the Table -  Jonathan Lethem - one weird story about black holes
Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut - seems that is coming true today!

Just started "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro, pulitzer winner.

Finally, I have not read the books, but I love the tv series, "The Expanse", based on the  novels by James Corey.

*A wonderful set of books and a few I haven't read. I would strongly recommend Klara and the Sun to everyone,, you will never forget Klara the AI friend.
jerryyyyy 9.03
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Will try it.  $9.35 on Kindle with 32k ratings!  Let's see that is about $300,000 gross sales and I recall you get about 1/3 as a kindle author (I have a fishing book up there). 

There is a lot of AI in the Brandon Morris works, but he repeats themes. 

If you are interested in AI, I did a lot of reading on it during my last sabbatical (run a Lab at Stanford) and a couple titles Brockman: Possible Minds: 25 Ways of Looking at AI (a bit dated) ... there are also very interesting books on the concept oh human consciousness by David Chalmers who poses the "Big" question of what is consciousness and can you create it in a machine.  The later is pretty deep.  All this relates to virtual reality and if we are living in a simulation... I give it at least a 50/50 chance.
rveregin 6.65
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Will try it.  $9.35 on Kindle with 32k ratings!  Let's see that is about $300,000 gross sales and I recall you get about 1/3 as a kindle author (I have a fishing book up there). 

There is a lot of AI in the Brandon Morris works, but he repeats themes. 

If you are interested in AI, I did a lot of reading on it during my last sabbatical (run a Lab at Stanford) and a couple titles Brockman: Possible Minds: 25 Ways of Looking at AI (a bit dated) ... there are also very interesting books on the concept oh human consciousness by David Chalmers who poses the "Big" question of what is consciousness and can you create it in a machine.  The later is pretty deep.  All this relates to virtual reality and if we are living in a simulation... I give it at least a 50/50 chance.

Yes, AI is incredibly interesting and relevant isn't it!

Thank you for the suggestions, Jerry, I will have to buy even more books. My wife and I have thousands of physical books, and even more on Kindle--not sure how we missed these ones. I should have also mentioned, for those interested in AI, and the related question what consciousness is, I would recommend Robert Sawyer, it is a theme through many of his SF books. He has a recent series focused on AI and consciousness, which starts with Wake, the 1st of the trilogy. He actually lives somewhere close to me, though I have never had the opportunity to meet him.

My own feeling is that if this is a simulation, it is a darn good one--pretty sure I have not seen any pixelation, though hard to say if I have been through a reboot...
ScottBadger 7.61
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Rick Veregin:
My own feeling is that if this is a simulation, it is a darn good one--pretty sure I have not seen any pixelation, though hard to say if I have been through a reboot...

The argument I've heard against our universe being a simulation, is that it would take a computer as big as the universe. On the other hand, between the weirdness of quantum physics and a simulation, I think Occam's razor would land on simulation.....

entilza 0.00
Satwant Kumar:
Red rising series by Pierce Brown is amazing. It’s Lawrence of Arabia in space with GoT and Hunger games flavors.

Best series ever, I couldn't stop reading... Amazing author.
rveregin 6.65
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Scott Badger:
Rick Veregin:
My own feeling is that if this is a simulation, it is a darn good one--pretty sure I have not seen any pixelation, though hard to say if I have been through a reboot...

The argument I've heard against our universe being a simulation, is that it would take a computer as big as the universe. On the other hand, between the weirdness of quantum physics and a simulation, I think Occam's razor would land on simulation.....


Maybe the universe simulates itself then, but if so, not sure there is a difference anymore...
ScottBadger 7.61
And/or a simulated society that advances technologically to the point of creating its own simulations....
hornjs 3.61
My scifi reading began with the StarWars expanded universe - sigh - now relegated to "Legends".  Some fantastic books in there especially the Thrawn books... new ones now have been added to canon.

I have read Dune, then watched the movies.  Loved the book.
I read the Martian and Project Hail Mary by Weir ---- really good
Just finished Rendezvouz with Rama by ACClark --- terrific.  I haven't read the rest of RAMA series - some reviews said different author and weren't as good.

Looking for next one to read .. probably some of what is suggested above...foundations, neuromancer, solaris
ScottBadger 7.61
But it's not my fav genre. I prefer classical books, novels, and poetry.

Dune is pretty Shakespearean......

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