NP101is TeleVue TV-NP101is · Peter Robertson · ... · 8 · 368 · 1

Peter64 0.90
I would be interested in users feedback on the NP101is especially when using a full frame camera. Especially any views on its strengths and weaknesses versus alternatives. I am thinking about back yard use, mostly for Astro but occasional visual use and travel to dark sites when/if the opportunity arises. I use a dslr and probably try a monochrome camera next steps. Alternatives I see in Australian retailers are WO Flurostar 91, Espirit, Tak FSQ. In comparison Televue seems very good quality, good service, set up for Astro without need for further reducers/fatteners and easy to use. Compared to Tak much cheaper, better visual use, and I won’t ever need the medium format sized image circle offers by FSQ. Thx
ranous 4.21
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You'll still need a flattener to go larger than an APS sized sensor.  Televue sells the LCL-1069 Large Field corrector if you want to use a full frame camera with it.

Peter64 0.90
Indeed thanks , yes you are right. I should have mentioned that also. It’s about $300, and easy to include in the setup so I wasn’t too concerned about it.
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Alex Ranous:
You'll still need a flattener to go larger than an APS sized sensor.  Televue sells the LCL-1069 Large Field corrector if you want to use a full frame camera with it.


and it’s reasonable $250 last I looked
PhillipKlein 0.00
·  1 like
Hello Peter,
I have used a TV 101is with a QSI532ws monochrome camera for a number of years. Many of the images on my AstroBin site were taken with this setup. TeleVue scopes are known to hold focus better than others and I have found that to be the case.
Best regards,
ranous 4.21
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I heard somewhere that Televue is designing a new reducer for the is scopes, but who knows if/when it'll see the light of day.

Linwood 5.76
I have that combination, and find it great for most of the frame, but mediocre as you get to the edge and corners.  Not awful, but not great. I've played with backfocus, and Televue recommended increasing it a bit over the spec, but also said "when we designed that people didn't have these tiny pixels".  Which I guess is true. 

But it's a fine refractor, nice tight stars over most of the frame, paired with an optec focuser it autofocuses well.

I have a few images in my gallery here, feel free to browse.   Here is a randomly chosen luminance sub 1:1 showing the corners.  You can also get a feel for the degree of vignetting (darkest corner is around 0.029 vs 0.036 in the center, so not awful, but moderate), this is an UNCALIBRATED sub with a preview stretch. 


All that said, not sure you will get any better full frame for that kind of money.
Peter64 0.90
Thanks those stars look good. Much appreciated
ShortLobster 0.00
You might want to look at the Askar FRA600 also. Similar specs, 66mm image circle, and built-in flattener. There are images here and reviews / discussions in the usual places. 

I own the PHQ107 which is F/7 but otherwise similar. I'll share a frame later.
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