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B33 - The elusive horsehead, Tom Gray

B33 - The elusive horsehead



Acquisition details



Although easy to 'find', this dark nebula, or more accurately dust cloud (B33) illuminated by the faint emission nebula IC434 is notoriously hard to see, let alone image.

After polar aligning my 1989 Fork-mounted Meade 2080 LX5 (just using the polar finder) and doing an exact star align with my ArgoNavis 'push to' DSCs, I was not surprised to see an asterism made up of magnitude 7-8 stars showing up in my Meade DSI-II OSC camera - a 1 minute exposure with plenty of 'auto contrast' in Envisage image capture showed a very faint, but familiar shape emerging from the noise.

After restarting guiding in PHD via my homemade autoguider with ST4 signals via relay board wired to a modified hand controller, I set the camera for 2 min exposures (about as much as I could achieve with an inexact polar alignment) and proceeded to image.



B33 - The elusive horsehead, Tom Gray

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Altair Astro 183 M/C Hypercams